
The Nerd Network (dot) net - Professional Game Servers, cPanel Webhosting, Co-location, and Dedicated Servers


Our company is made up of hard working, honest individuals. Along with knowledge to provide an extremely high quality service at very comparable rates. We strive to be the best, but compete in the business as if we where face to face with the individual. We would like to bring a comforting experience not a hassle. Striving to know our customers on a personal level to enable the best service sets us apart from almost every company out there. Services range from: Game Servers, Voice Servers (TeamSpeak), cPanel Webhosting, Colocation services (managed/Pittsburgh), and Dedicated Servers.

Our service we offer is completely automated from start to finish. We accept payments thru PayPal, and you are sent bills each month, you just login and pay it, and your server stays online! We also allow for multiple people to pay towards servers. Making it easier for admins to collect dues.

From the moment you become a customer, we can assure you that you will fall in love with The Nerd Network. And if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact us anytime! We look forward to being your gameserver provider. With 3 years of serving experience, we know how to make gameservers perform! provides national services, with high end equipment located in Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Los Angeles.

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