


They work in marketing and they like to watch amusing clips and funny ads. It pleases them to do this and so they thought they would share the clips they had accumulated with the good travellers of the worldwide internet superhighway.

This also means that they will not be sending crap your way. The editorial policy is entirely subjective: they like it, they share it … they don’t, they don’t. That means that if you sign up, you will not be signing up to receive spam and lots of general garbage. You will get clips that appeal to James and Adrian. If you decide that what appeals to them does not appeal to you, you can “unsubscribe” and they will leave you alone. Simple really.

If you would like to add your amusing clip or particularly witty piece of advertising to the collection, please get in contact with them by emailing or They will be really happy to have a chat about adding clips, sponsorship of the site, competitions and promos and that sort of thing.

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