offers domains, web hosting, SSL certificates & email accounts


Affordable Domain Name Registration - SurfZen

Description provides domain name registration, web hosting, and web design templates at very affordable rates. We also provide custom design services and search engine optimization and ranking services (SEO).

Our site is really intended as a resource for designers and web developers, providing them with tools, products and services to get most of the drudge work done quickly.



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Let us introduce ourselves

Hello and welcome to the AboutUs wiki page for!

My first introduction to was a telemarketing call I got from someone offering me SEO services. Obviously, I wasn't pleased to be receiving telemarketing calls, but even less so when I found out they got my number from a web site that published my info without my knowledge or consent.

I was doubly peeved to return a long-distance call in good faith, only to find out it was for telemarketing; the real-life equivalent of spam.

So, I did a little research on and found out that they basically stole all their content, without permission, by sending robots out on the web to scoop up info from private web sites. This includes eBay and

If I wanted my eBay or Amazon information published along with my WHOIS info (domain registration information, which has my address, email and phone number in it) all on one page, I would have done it myself. In fact, there's a lot of reasons why I don't want this information all piled together. So I've deleted it.

This is another aspect of this site which is kind of obnoxious. They throw all your information out there and if you don't like it, you have to work to change it. It's like being opted-in to a discussion list you never wanted to be part of.

Speaking of WHOIS contact info, according to the Acceptable Use Policy it "is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you in obtaining information about domain name registration records. Any use of this data for any other purpose is expressly forbidden without prior written permission."

So, is effectively one big copyright violation and an infringement of personal privacy. They have taken "public" information and compiled it without anyone's permission, but they have also taken information from systems that expressly forbid this action.

I'm sure they'll argue that "the information is available elsewhere for free", but that's just a version of "if I didn't do it someone else would", which is kindergarten logic. By compiling this information in one place you make it even easier for unethical people to abuse.

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