We LOVE our clients. Thank you for working with us!


From your CEO & Digital Strategist, Malee Ojua….


I have my Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from MIT. When I graduated, I worked to unite movers and shakers in the government with my team. This was how I discovered my ability to create strong bonds between people. I may have gone to school to be a rocket scientist, but it turns out my true passion is fostering relationships.


Once I discovered my passion for personal growth and development, I knew I had to follow my heart. As I walked my new path, I explored Shamanism and energy healing, which I consider an important part of my lifelong learning. During my practice, I glimpsed new and wonderful ways to connect with people in physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.


My education as an engineer gave me fantastic organizational and observational skills. My experience with Shamanism provides me with the ability to follow my intuition and give my work the guidance it needs to create connections. I want to work with people who are endeavoring to build their community. I find joy in helping those who are looking to serve in a bigger way. Not only do I want to create positive change in the world with my own actions, I yearn to help conscious business owners expand their reach and find their tribes. If you are ready to leave your legacy and to live your higher purpose, you’ve come to the right place.

Contact Info
  • Malee Ojua
    CEO & Digital Strategist
  • 5331 SW MACADAM AVE Ste 258-533
    Portland, OR 97239
  • 503-816-3890

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