

Excerpted from the website:

Brian Root was born 5,000 years in the future, in space. He was transported from the world of tomorrow to live in the world of today using futuristic technology made of science, and things that go beep. Armed with only his keen aesthetic sensibilities and razor-sharp intellect, he is able to meet the needs of his clients and employers by knowing what they need before even they do. (Note that this is made possible because he is from the future.) Years ago, walked the earth as a monk, training in the mysterious arts of North Star kung-fu, and has introduced many men to the next life with his fists. Brian is fluent in the language of the playful otter, the industrious ground squirrel, and the wily raccoon. He is capable of killing by using his mind, but has sworn to use his powers for good and never for evil. Scientists have determined that it is not blood that courses through Brian's veins, but ice water and awesome in its most elemental state. He is a friend to woodland creatures and children everywhere. Except for the ugly ones. Brian Root does not want ugly children for friends.
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