
Voice of Sudan


Voice of Sudan (VOS) is a weblog featuring news, articles, and commentary on Sudan, Africa's largest country. VOS strives to empower people to stand for human rights, political & religious freedom, and sustainable development affecting Sudanese regardless of race or religion. VOS is building its consensus on the Web by working through advocacy campaigns and communicating to other concerned individuals concerning human rights in Sudan. VOS is operated solely by Josef Scarantino, who can be reached freely via email.

What is my vision for Sudan? Or better yet, what is the end goal that I strive towards in my life and this website called Voice of Sudan? It is both complex and simple. I, like many of you, want to live to see a better Sudan. I want to see the children receive education, the women see their rights returned, and the men retain their dignity. But, unlike many in the world, I want to play an integral part in shaping the future of Sudan. In other words, I would not be content watching from the sidelines.

It is my belief that this involvement must be done at both the government level and at the village level. This is largely why I have participated in something as obscure as well drilling and yet retain my zealous interest in international politics. I believe that you cannot truly serve the needs of the people if you are so removed from the village level of development and progress that you have never “gotten your hands dirty.” You must endeavor to understand the needs of the people, which is especially important to policy-makers in government and international aid organizations. By working at the village level, you will see the hearts of the people and know their pain and longing for security. However, I believe that the greatest need is to help change the nation at the government level, where the change can be felt by all.

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