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Security Innovation - The Application Security Company


Company Overview

Leader in Application Vulnerability Discovery and Repair. Security Innovation is a world leading Application Security firm that provides risk analysis, risk mitigation and education services to global enterprises and technology vendors. Dozens of leading organizations, such as IBM, Microsoft, ING, Symantec, Visa, SAP and GE rely on our expertise to understand the security risks in their software systems and facilitate the software and process change necessary to mitigate them. We give customers the support they need to guard against attack and exploitation by malicious users, and arm them with the knowledge and process they need to consistently develop and deploy stable and secure software applications.

Focusing on the Root Cause of Security Problems. As application security concerns grow in the global enterprise, the need for software focused risk analysis and mitigation expertise also grows—but experts are very difficult to find. Security Innovation focuses on the software development process itself which allows us to address the root cause of security problems and aid our clients in the development and deployment of robust and secure applications. Many companies tend to focus on prepackaged and broad analysis of web sites and applications, however our firm believes that custom and deep analysis is necessary to truly asses and address application security risk in the enterprise.





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