Secondary Peace Lesson Plan

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Secondary Peace Lesson Plan

Language Arts Content Standard 6.0: Students write a variety of texts that inform, persuade, describe, evaluate, entertain, or tell a story and are appropriate to audience and purpose.

Language Arts Content Standard 8.0: Students speak using organization, style, tone, voice, and media aids appropriate to audience and purpose. Students participate in discussions to offer information, clarify ideas and support a position.

Content Objectives: I will be able to

  • identify the qualities associated with peace.
  • identify what peace looks like in my own life.
  • write a statement for the peace wheel that expresses the qualities of peace I would like to see in the world.

Language Objectives: I will be able to

  • contribute to a discussion about peace.
  • write my own personal wish for peace.


  • peace (tranquility, quiet, harmony, calm, opposite of war, etc.)
  • inner qualities (qualities inside you, such as kindness, generosity, listening)
  • outer qualities (qualities outside you that you work on with others, such as having a friend, solving problems, teamwork, etc.)
  • peace wheel

Introduction: Tell the students that they will be talking and writing about peace today. The teacher will read aloud the objectives and the vocabulary. Have the students repeat the vocabulary and signal thumbs up or thumbs down if they know what each word means. Then the teacher defines each word, explaining that each of the vocabulary words has many meanings and examples. Explain that the students will be listening to various songs and will list examples of peace that they hear. (4 minutes)

First activity: While music plays in the background, have students look at the lyrics of Imagine by John Lennon, Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer, Everyday People by Carole King and Reba McEntire and I Hope by The Dixie Chicks. Have students jot down examples of peace they find. (4 minutes)

Second activity: By random selection, teacher calls on students to share examples. Examples are recorded on the board. (2 minutes)

Third activity: With your shoulder partner, share a story about a time you felt peaceful, content, happy, included, etc. Your partner will listen and orally list the qualities that contributed to that feeling. (1 minute)

Fourth activity: Trade roles and repeat activity with partner. (1 minute)

Fifth activity: All students do a quick write of the qualities they associate with peace. (2 minutes)

Sixth activity: Group share of qualities by random selection (popsicle sticks, cards, etc.). List on board. Discuss. Define and sort (circling with 2 different colored markers or chalk) by inner and outer qualities. Teacher explains the relationship between inner and outer qualities. (7 minutes)

Seventh activity: Identify and list qualities that you want in your world – quick write. (3 minutes)

Eighth activity: First step in becoming a peace worker is to have a wish for peace. Write/draw your personal wish for peace on the paper for the peace wheel. Peace Wheel Statement Form (3 minutes)

Ninth activity: Share your wish for peace with the group, if wanted. (3 minutes)

Conclusion: Discussion: How can these wishes change the world? (5 minutes)

Extension: If the classroom has a Smartboard and time allows, play the Martina McBride video For These Times.

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