offers advice on meeting Russian women plus profiles of women


Russian women: Are you crazy enough to marry a Russian woman?


In the millennium year I met my husband in the same place you are searching now. And now we both live happily in The Netherlands. I used to live in Russia in a small village called 'Klyazma', which is about 20 miles from Moscow. I was one of the many Russian women who was looking for a new future with a foreign man and my husband was one of the many men who was looking for a Russian woman. As you can see, we both succeeded in that.

We have many contacts with Russian women and foreign men who did the same as we did, and also with those who are still busy in their process to find their happiness with Russian women or foreign men.

My husband (Bart) and I had a lot of luck during the 'period we couldn't be together, but we both had the opportunity to visit each other very often, before we finally could permanently live together. Even our 'paperwork' turned to be out not as complex as we both thought, but this was also due to a lot of luck.

In 'our days' the presence of dating scams and the strictly rules of getting visa etc. were less dominating as they are now.

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