
Welcome to the Official Website of the REPUBLICAN VOICES


A Special Welcome

Welcome to the R EPUBLICAN V OICES website and newsletter. Our organization is committed to advocating the conservative cause and taking it to the liberal, bureaucratic, public school indoctrination machine. We also offer original and thought-provoking commentary on today's issues, analyzation of the latest liberal ideas to corrupt our culture from its very home in Massachusetts, a blog, and various spaces for you to share your own thoughts! Our ultimate goals are fighting the liberal agenda in the public schools while defending academic freedom, giving a voice to talented conservative thinkers, many of whom are the future of the conservative movement, whose views are otherwise censored, stereotyped and belittled in public schools as well as the mainstream media, and creating awareness of the latest and long-existent liberal ideals in the field of language policing, political correctness, multiculturalism, environmentalism, etc. While working on these goals, we also hope to convert some misguided liberals on the way.

If you are particularly looking into our coverage of the liberal agenda in the public schools, the best place to look is our newsletter archives, our Indoctrination Center Ahead blog where our Public School Battleline Correspondent Mike DuBois, a conservative Massachusetts high school student and Editor in Chief Emil Levitin contribute posts on the public education system, and the biography of Editor in Chief Emil Levitin (a 12 year old hostage of the Boston area public education system), where you can find the archives of his columns on public school brainwashing.

We hope that you enjoy our site and the accompanying newsletter. For our more liberal "friends," please read with an open mind.

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