
RecentChangesCamp is a world-wide "unconference" for wiki technologists, wiki users and wiki practitioners. We also invite people from related technology and community practices, looking for common ground on community, collaboration, and self-organizing behavior. The event is free of charge for all participants.


RecentChangesCamp 2008 will be held in San Francisco, California in February. It will be a three-day conference with the agenda set by the participants, using Open Space Technology. No keynotes, no hours-long slide presentations, no conference tracks: the emphasis of RecentChangesCamp is on bringing together smart, talented people for productive, peer-to-peer talks. This means hackpits, group design sessions and other hands-on stuff -- we set the agenda together, so we do what we want to do.

We want everyone interested in wiki or related technologies and disciplines to attend. Your intelligence, skills and knowledge will inform our discussions. Together, we have an opportunity to do great things.

If you would like to attend, please sign up on our wiki:


We're arranging lodging for a variety of budgets (from couch-surfing to the Hyatt).

Please check out our wiki if you have any questions; also feel free to contact anyone in our all-volunteer organizing group. This is going to be a great event and we'd love to have you attend.

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