is A prospecting company for small businesses.


Prospect Genius : Turning your website into a powerful business tool! the U.S.


Excerpted from the website description:

Phone: (800) 689-1273 Customer conversion is happening online more and more, even when transactions happen in the real world. Website analytics and our reporting modules can turn your site into your most valuable sales tool.



Additional Information

Did you know that over 60% of local search is happening online? Or that more than 80% of those searches are resulting in offline transactions? There are literally thousands of motivated buyers looking for your services!

It is critical for your business to found when someone searches for your services. If you are not prominently displayed in the search results, you are missing 2/3 of the people looking for your service!

Prospect Genius delivers:

  • Prominent search engine ranking
  • Delivering more customers, directly to you
  • Increased customer conversion rates
  • Fully hosted, professional microsite
  • Trackable and transparent ROI

We'd love an opportunity to speak with you and see if our product is a good fit with your business. Please visit our website and if you like what you see, give us a call!


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