
ProTech Computer Solutions, Inc.


Excerpted from the website:

Technology, whether you like it or dislike it, or realize it's effects or not, has become an integral part of our daily lives. The rate at which technology has been injected into our lives has overwhelmed many consumers and businesses often leaving them lost in a sea of choices and technical jargon which bears little or no resemblance to anything even remotely considered English. Everything seems to be going "digital" - from our cameras and telephones, our televisions and stereos, to our cable television service and now most recently, our radios in the form of satellite radio. Just try buying any of these items or a computer today without understanding terms such as MP3, DVR, HDTV, USB, Firewire, MPEG, JPEG, megabyte, gigabyte, RAM, streaming media, bandwidth, data rate, CDRW, DVD, and well, you get the idea.. Are you lost? ProTech Computer Solutions will help you navigate through your technology questions and issues.
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