
A Perfect Marriage


Well…. it all started in 1977 when we were both 17. At the time I had been in a pretty heavy relationship with a girl for about 2 years and Sue was her best friend. Maybe not the most promising of starts for our relationship, but there you go.

The relationship I was in at the time was very stormy - we were constantly having fights, breaking up and getting back together again and I was getting fed up with it all. If we had stayed together I’m sure we would probably have married at 18 and be divorced at 19. So I made up my mind to end it once and for all.

In the meantime I had got quite friendly with Sue, and then came along one magical summers day that was to have a huge impact on the rest of my life. It was towards the end of the summer term at school and there were no lessons that day. Sue and I chatted together all day long. She was so easy to talk to.

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