
Free e-cards from Daughters of St. Paul and Pauline Books & Media


Excerpted from the website:

The spirit of finds its beginnings in a vision. In July 1923, a young priest James Alberione, became seriously ill, and the medical diagnosis did not offer much hope. Eight years previous, he had founded in Alba, Italy, the Daughters of St. Paul, a community of women religious who were to use the media to communicate the Gospel. During the uncertain days that followed, he took his doctor's advice; he left the fledgling communities and retired to the countryside of Benevento to rest and regain his health. While Alberione was convalescing, Jesus appeared to him in a dream or vision and encouraged him with these words, "Do not be afraid. I am with you. From here (the Tabernacle) I wish to enlighten. Live in continual conversion." James Alberione returned to Alba miraculously cured. The words of Jesus became a program of life for him and for all his followers, and they form the spirit of created by the Daughters of St. Paul as a joint e-card site between the United States, Canada, England, Central and Latin America.
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