

Old First Concerts


One of the Bay Area's most active independent concert series, Old First Concerts has been presenting performances of chamber and recital repertoire on a year-round basis since 1970.

Old First Concerts presents emerging and under-recognized artists, furthering their careers by bringing them to the attention of the public and the music community. We have recently broadened the base of our performers, still staying with the concept of the emerging performer, but also offering the often forgotten mid-career performer opportunities to be heard. Most importantly, we have emphasized the opportunity for the orchestral musician to have a venue to express their musical individuality. For both new and established performers, Old First Concerts is a welcome alternative to costly and time consuming self-produced concerts.

We also provide audiences with diverse and adventurous repertoire while maintaining high quality. We emphasize works by lesser-known composers, seldom heard works by well-known composers, as well as favorite works in the standard repertoire. Each year there are 15-20 world premieres, and many San Francisco premieres attesting to the vitality the performers bring to the programming.

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Old First Concerts
San Francisco CA
United States 94109



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