is an online shopping place for buying toys and crafts.


Welcome to Nova Natural Toys & Crafts


Nova Natural was created 15 years ago out of a desire to provide families and teachers with a wide variety of natural products, which are conducive to creative and wholesome living. We offer finely crafted toys that inspire imaginative play, beautifully illustrated children's books, a wide range of parenting and craft books, non-competitive games which successfully combine action and challenge with co-operation and compassion and natural craft and art supplies to create your own works of beauty.

According to the philosophy that guides Nova Natural, each toy should be age-appropriate in form and in function. Toys should further the child's inner development allowing children to express moods and feelings freely and have an 'open-ended' quality, without the limiting, predetermined play which can come when toys are too formed or too fixed in their function. A simple toy allows the child's imagination, full play. For example, a doll with only suggested facial features can do anything imaginable, laugh, cry, talk, etc. Toys should strengthen and encourage the child's fantasy life so that a child can submerge himself in play, in the world of myth and fairy tales, live outside his day-to-day experiences, imitating adult life with housekeeping toys and through pretend play.

The child is able to solve challenging situations when he becomes a rescuing hero with his fire engine will be the adult able to resolve difficulties in the office, laboratory or factory, and 'rescue' the work situation. "Play prepares the future, and playthings and the play environment should give opportunity for this. (Joan Salter, The Incarnating Child)

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Nova Natural Toys & Crafts, LLC
Chesnut Ridge NY
United States 10977



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