


Northwing is a functionalist, remodernist and generally anti-idiotarian political website, which promotes ideas from both the left and the right of traditional single axis politics, without feeling obliged to serve either camp. We are pragmatists, who look for moral credibility, and the application of simple common sense.

In a globalising world, many of us believe that identity has now replaced the class struggle as the leading social issue of our time. The UK, like many Western European countries, has seen an ideological shift toward post-modern socialism over the last 20 years. Now, the ideas which circulate the mainstream of our establishment owe as much to Karl Marx, as they do to Adam Smith. This is an interesting phenomenon, given that the late 20th century saw the implosion of European communism, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Socialist totality was then almost universally held to be unworkable and inherently corruptible, because it ran contrary to man’s true, enterprising if rather self-obsessed nature.

But our 21st century socialism isn’t born out of Enlightenment rationalism. It is a different animal. It has evolved and mutated, and is more a misplaced and altruistic form of social conscience which has lost its roots, weighed-down by post-colonial guilt and self-loathing. Our flirtation with post-modernity, accomodating various forms of relativism, has surplanted the quest for objective truth and reason. We now live in a society where every belief is upheld, every position particularised, and where all are given equal moral value irrespective of merit, or contribution to society.

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NOSPAMTHANKS

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