
Nexsys Development - redefining website analytics, traffic analysis, web site statistics with .NET smart client technology - Nexsys Development


Nexsys Development was founded in 2002 and is committed to providing software to serve users. Nexsys are currently providing Imprint, a powerful enterprise level website analytics service and are working on several other services using .NET.

Nexsys Development is investing in Smart Client technology to provide powerful, user friendly and fast online software services. Built to take advantage of new .NET and XML technologies, Smart Client software delivers the best of both worlds, combining the reach of the Internet with the power of local computing hardware. In corporate settings, smart clients deliver an almost unbeatable combination of power and flexibility.

Nexsys' servers are managed by Maximum ASP in an IBM approved Xodiax data centre. Maximum ASP and Xodiax provide outstanding connectivity, security, reliability and support.

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