
New Hope Cattle Dogs - ACD Breed Rescue


About us

We are a registered Arizona non-profit corporation. We are a completely volunteer run organization with no paid employees. We do this in our spare time and most of us work full-time (paying) jobs on top of doing rescue work. We do this because we love it and we are passionate about the dogs and rescue. Please be kind to us and understand that we are moving as fast as we can and juggling as many balls in the air as possible. We are ALWAYS in need of volunteers, so please consider joining our team!

We won't lie to you! It is stressful at times, but when you see a dog that you rescued/fostered/nurtured and new owner meet for the first time and see the *magical* connection, followed by a person and canine grinning from ear to ear, it makes it all worthwhile. There is a lot of work that goes into running this Non-profit corporation. It runs just like any business but without the funding that traditional corporations have. Our only source of income is from donations from the public and adoption fees. Out of that money we must pay for shelter fees, food, toys, bedding, routine veterinary care, transport and sometimes boarding and grooming. We need 7 day a week coverage in many areas (adoptions, fostering, phones, volunteer coordination, fundraising, event coordination, etc.). Please check out our volunteer page to read about the many things you could help us with.

We have filed with the IRS for our 501 (c) 3 status (tax-exempt) and hope to hear back soon. We will update the web site when we know.

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