


Neville Hobson, ABC, is a communicator, blogger and podcaster, one of the leading European early adopters and influencers in social media communication for business. He blogs at with commentary and opinion on business, communication and technology, and co-presents “For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report” (, a twice-weekly business podcast at the intersection of online communication, business and technology, which he began in January 2005.

British and based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Neville is currently co-authoring the business book “How to Do Everything with Podcasting” to be published by McGraw-Hill in autumn 2006. He is a frequent speaker on the subject of social media communication and its effective use in organizational communication.

I first started a weblog in 2002. It wasn’t until July 2004 that I really got an idea of what I wanted to do with it, which is to talk primarily about business communication and technology - my twin passions - and stimulate some interesting conversations and discussions, in this blog and elsewhere.

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