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Shalom... I am Shoshana McCrimmon, a sometimes-freelance writer and an aspiring teacher. I write frequently in support of Israel and have been involved in various internet and on-campus hasbara efforts.

I firmly believe that the original Mandate for Palestine, a Jewish National Homeland, which came from the 1920 San Remo conference (and 1917 Balfour Declaration), is the only viable and permanent solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. This mandate was set up in much the same way as the mandate for India/Pakistan/Bangladesh -- namely, that religious populations would be transferred in such a way as to form homogenous areas where similar cultures could institute themselves. This plan allocated land for a future Jewish state which included all of what is now Israel AND Jordan. It is significant to me that the Arab countries neighbouring Israel ALSO received mandates during this period, and were not independent nations prior to the period, but also territories occupied by the Ottomans then Britons and French. The British, inilaterally and in violation of their mandate, gave 76% of the land mandated for the Jewish Homeland to form the nascent state of Jordan. This was done with the support of the Jewish Agency and Sheikh (later King) Hussein, in order to solve the demographic problem of the Mandate for Palestine. Jews were to remain concentrated in 'West Palestine' and the non-Jews (60% were not indigenous but migrant workers, according to the 1951 URNWA report) were to remain concentrated in 'East Palestine', which some population transfer, according to the India/Pakistan/Bangladesh model.

With the dissolution of the League of Nations and advent of the U.N., the remaining 24% of the land was recommended for further division in a non-binding U.N. General Assembly resolution, which suggested the creation of yet another Arab State in the West Bank, and attempted to internationalize Jerusalem. It is also significant that the Arab block at the U.N. REJECTED this suggestion.

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