
Mintern's German Shepherds


Hi & thank you so much for your interest is our kennel, dogs and puppies. This page is about "us" and why we are here doing what we do : ) It's been a while since I have updated this page and so I shall try to do so and explain some of the things we DO and why we DO THEM!

My GOAL 10 years ago was just to produce a litter or two of puppies that was as kind and loving as my old girl CODY! She was and STILL IS the inspiration behind the whole thing! She did produce a litter for me, and with the placing of her puppies, I soon realized there was a NEED for what I was doing. I tend to be a little different in my passion for life and business. Yes, now this passion is a BUSINESS but is more full of Passion and Love then ever before. And yes, this Passion is MY WHOLE LIFE and I honestly wouldn't and couldn't ask for anything more. The Shepherds that have been a part of us and who are still a part of us make this such an incredible JOB!

We are thankful for it all. We THANK all those who return to just "look" and see how and what the kennel is up to! Thank you all! YOU have also made this a wonderful JOB! I so enjoy hearing back from all of you and helping when I am needed.

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