
Merentha - The Official C.S. Friedman Fan Site


Well you've found me. What is it this time, demonlings in your basement? Hrrmph. I'll send a squad out to take care of that for you. You are a registered voter, aren't you?

Well I'm sure that wasn't the only reason you came here, was it? I didn't think so. Pull up a chair, sit down, and tell me what's on your mind.

This site was originally created back in December 1995 using Microsoft's add-on, Internet Assistant for Word 2.0z beta. IA was a bit primitive but simple - the later versions screwed up my tables too much, which is why I used such an old version. Well, to be honest, even the earlier version occasionally messed up my tables and randomly rearranged my HTML code. So I switched to HotDog Pro, and I must say that it was much more stable and user friendly that MSIA.

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