
Church Software: Members To Action is church management software for church growth.


Church volunteer management software

My name is Katherine Gealy Wendt and I wrote Members To Action (and yes, those three photos in the sample records are me, husband Jim, and baby Alexander). I was a lawyer until I realized I would never have the right personality for it (not everyone wants to be in fights every day!). I discovered a talent for databases and opened a company called DataWiz Solutions which made custom databases for companies.

Our church had a strong lay ministry program and I became friends with the Director of Lay Ministry. Over long lunches she would complain about the huge amount of data she was accumulating and how the church volunteer management software system then in place was next to useless.

Servant leadership reports would take hours to run and the system was so difficult to use that she would have to ask the local computer guru to run the reports for her. It was so bad that just once a year she would run a big servant leadership report listing folks' interests, then put it in a notebook to refer to.

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