
Mark Parsons


Who am I? First and foremost, I am a computer geek. Is that a bad thing? No, its just who I am. I started off with computers with an Atari 65xe, learning ASM on that, then moving onto the C-64, and doing a Grade 13 Computer project on ASM (if thats not being geeky, I dont know what is), then I moved onto the PC platform. Discovering a little unknown OS called Linux in '96 propelled me into C and later into PERL and PHP.

Secondly, I am a big sports fan. Currently, I tend to favour watching the Toronto Raptors of the NBA over anything else. The Toronto Maple Leafs used to be the team I followed the most, but with the stupid strike, and the stupid greedyness of both the players and the owners, I have gone sour on hockey. I also will follow any Canadian in any sport, whether it be Mike Weir of the PGA, Steve Nash of the NBA (Stevie wasnt born in Canada, but we'll still claim him), to the Canadian National Junior Hockey team. I am a high devoutee to anyone being Canadian! (yes, I'm a homer.. so what???)

Sarcasm is the glue that holds South 3 together. Just a quote from my University of Waterloo days. I am a higly sarcastic person. Whether it be myself, or anything else, I will take a shot (as in joke, duh) at it. Unfortunately (or fortunately??) my sarcasm hasnt gotten me into any trouble yet, but Im sure one day it will.

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