
Mamita Mala - One Bad Mami


Excerpted from the website:

March 15th, 2007
I have read/heard some people say that pregnancy is a time when you are full of creativity. Maybe it was all the changes, the pregnancy, the move, the moving in with someone - but this wasn’t the case for me at all. It was the complete opposite. I felt all my creativity drain from me with every passing month. Also there was no time. It was hard enough to work and write as a single mami with one child. With another child on the way and a new man to boot, I barely had time to breath. It’s only been recently, in the last three weeks, that I’ve started to find my groove again, that the words are flowing again. There still is no time, putting pen to paper and finishing a poem, an essay (forget about a full story or book for now) is negotiated in between breastfeeding, homework, my work, and keeping house.
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