
Social Networking Site

Live2i stands for "Live to Internet" is a Social Networking Service Based in Kochi,India managed by Live2i Networks.

Live2i was Founded on September 2010 and Publicly Announced in september 2012. Live2i is a site where People around you stay connected and keep up with yours friends,loved ones and use to share their thoughts, with daily activities with their pictures,videos,Comments and it have more features of groups,sharing,posting,messaging both public and private also to post events, chat with translation and transliteration even the timetagging profile for users. Powerful sharing ability of sharing the wall to the popular social networks such as facebook, twitter and linkedin on a click enhance its service.

Live2i was founded by Edward Antony,CEO of the company. Later it has been registered under Live2i Networks Private Limited Company with the managing directors Edward Antony and Elizabeth Antony.

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