online magazine for media and news


The Irreverent Homemaker Magazine


Excerpted from the website description:

Once upon a time there was a little television show about .. umm .. Friends. On that show was a character whose sister was a waitress on another show. Yeah, her. This girl played the guitar not well, and yet in a particular episode, this character attained a following because she dared tell the truth. People (very little people) went out of their way to find her because they wanted to hear her songs - about the truth. We here at The Irreverent Homemaker herald that character as a hero for our times. In our quest to be the only magazine anywhere dedicated to the first-person perspective, we also want to dedicate ourselves to something else - the truth. In this issue you'll find topics other media outlets dare not touch. Why? We're not sure, but we think it has to do with advertising dollars. However, our advertisers have nothing to do with ratings or volume or the political manipulation of our content (How can we say that so brazenly? Because our advertisers bestowed upon us a 2006 award for creativity). You'll not see an ad here for the latest prescription suppository from a large pharmaceutical corporation that also happens to lobby, "inside the beltway." We thought the role of the media was to REPORT the news, not make it. Therefore, you'll find nothing on our pages about Anna Nicole Smith or Britney Spears. Nobody from our staff will be camping out at an AA meeting to get you scoop on Lindsay Lohan. We don't care how much the Olsen twins weigh. And we'll never try to steer you by endorsing a political candidate. Instead, we'll touch on subjects that engage you to think for yourself, open your mind, and enliven your common senses. You see, life is not about falling in-line, it's about making informed decisions. If we play some tiny role in helping you make your own informed decisions .. well, our job here is done.

- Jes Alexander, Editorial Director



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Community Reviews

wholly fun

I find the articles in the magazine fun, interesting to read, and full of varied viewpoints. Great for where ever you happen to be making your home.

  • posted by Anonymous on Jan 21, 2007, 11:22 pm

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