
Church of Scientology Human Rights Office - Germany: Religious Freedom


There are now more than 40 reports by governmental and human rights bodies criticizing religious discrimination in Germany. The evidence has been persuasive enough to convince the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Trade Representative, the Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance, the Human Rights Centre of Essex University, England, and an ad hoc committee of British lords and scholars and many independent researchers.

Following a visit to Germany, in 1998 the United Nations Special Rapporteur issued a report in which he found that a climate of intolerance affected Mormons, Muslims, Scientologists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baha’is, and members of the Hare Krishna movement. Charismatic Christians have also been targeted.

The Church of Scientology has documented more than 1,500 cases of discrimination against its parishioners in Germany. The discrimination takes two main forms: a) requiring individuals to sign “filters” declaring in writing that they are not members of the Church of Scientology as a condition for employment or, if representing a company, for contractual relations, and b) harassment of Scientologists and attempted infiltration and dirty tricks against churches of Scientology by Germany’s so-called “Office for the Protection of the Constitution.”

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