
Hotelrecovery: Premium private duty nursing in hospitals, hotels or homes following surgery or another medical event or as part of any other healthcare planning solution.


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Andrew Sternlicht, M.D. founded Premier Concierge Nursing in 2000 to be the first provider of premium, physician-led medical and nursing care management and concierge services for patients following discharge from surgery or hospitalization. Through its complete array of recovery services, Hotelrecovery gives patients the opportunity to recuperate in a highly personalized, clinically controlled setting, by providing the finest in medical coordination case management, concierge services and pre- and post-procedural supervised care in high-end hotels, at home, or in healthcare facilities. This complete private healing environment facilitates a patient’s transition to full recovery by promoting a relaxed convalescence, alleviating stress, providing optimum comfort, and increasing patient satisfaction.

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