offers free to download children's music.


Kids Music, Children's Music - Free MP3 Downloads of Kids Songs



WELCOME...we're glad YOU'RE HERE! So what's the dilly-o? In a nutshell, we believe that music can play a special role in our lives...and this is especially true for children. Parents seem to intuitively know this...and for this reason you'll find them encouraging their kids to learn music...not only through teaching them singalong songs when they are young, but encouraging them to take music lessons on an instrument, or by joining a school or church choir. And, of of the things that inspires children to learn music is for them to fall in love with great music...even at an early age.

For this reason, we've gotten together a bunch of quality children's music artists to share some of their great music for free. These are complete songs, not edited versions. And they are high quality...not poor quality versions designed to "tease" into buying an album. All the music downloads for kids you'll find on this site are FREE: listen, download, play them on your computer, or burn them to a personal CD for boombox or car listening (of course, you can't copy and re-sell them to others...).

WHY is this wonderful kids music FREE? While you generally will not find Disney, Veggie Tales or Sesame Street music here, what you will find is well-crafted music from talented, fiercely-independent children's music artists who do what they do because they believe kids are important. They post some free music downloads here to introduce you to their music. After all, if you like what you hear here, you might want them to come sing in your community or even buy an album or two! Once again...just to be clear...unlike the MP3 theft you're hearing about on the news...these are LEGAL, FREE MP3 music downloads. Download...listen...share them with your friends! ;-)

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Chuck Brown
New Albany OH
United States 43054

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