is a corporate communications company in Middlesex, UK


Fire Mountain Productions - Affordable TV commercials, videos and new media.


Fire Mountain's situated in the hub of TV production land – slap bang in the middle of Shepperton Studios, Middlesex UK. Sure, compared to London's Soho, we might be short of the odd table-dancing club, but on the other hand being in Shepperton means we're surrounded by the best talent in the business and can negotiate the keenest studio and post-production rates around.

As budgets become more 'challenging', it also means we can produce Commercials, Marketing Films and New Media to very high standards for surprisingly low costs. We've worked with a host of agencies and clients on productions for the likes of Fujitsu Siemens, Porsche, Pirelli and Wimpey Homes. We also produce Simulator Experiences for the world's entertainments industry and have a slate of animated TV programmes in development.

Fire Mountain is headed up by BAFTA nominee, Iain Russell, former Head of Production at LWT's Business Communications team. To find out more, click on the film perforations, or click here to contact us.

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