

Exit Reality :: Main Page


+ Exit Reality -Home -About -Contact -Link Us -Affiliation -Topsites -Chat Room + AIM Stuff -AIM Files -AIM Tricks -AIM Versions -Profiles -Away Messages -Chat Acronyms -AIM Bots -Smileys -Buddy Icons -Doll Icons -Chatting AIM Bot + Miscellaneous -Downloads -Tutorials -Web Resources

Exit Reality is a general AIM related website aimed at providing users with the best AIM related content on the internet. My goal is to provide the best quality AIM content including tricks, programs, profiles, away messages, past versions of AIM, etc. Exit Reality started as a small website with a shortURL (www.exitreality.vze.com) with the simple goal of being a very useful site for those interested in AIM Programs and AIM Exploits (those two were the primary goal at first). Eventually, I decided to expand the site and it turned into something I never imagined possible. I firstly bought the domain (exit-reality.net), came out with a new, greater layout, and basically re-did the whole site from scratch. All content was written by me and every single useful AIM program I knew of was added. A few more things were added and as time passed more things were added. Still today, the site is updated frequently with the latest content in order to provide users with the perfect AIM environment.


Exit Reality
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