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Downsize DC: Electronic Lobbying System


Every few months Congress passes another big spending bill for Iraq, with little debate. Congress has become a rubber-stamp for whatever the President wants. This isn't the way our government is supposed to work. Congress must serve as a check and a balance to the Executive Branch. A majority of Americans are concerned about the casualties, cost, and course of the war in Iraq. So are many members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle. But the Congressional leadership won't even allow a floor debate on the future of our Iraq policy. Fortunately, there's a way around the party leaders and committee chairmen. Click here to urge your Representative to sign a discharge petition that will allow a House debate on Iraq.

In eleven states, doctors are legally permitted to prescribe marijuana to the seriously ill. But these medical marijuana patients can still be arrested and prosecuted by the federal government. This undermines the will of the people, and violates the freedom of the individual. Click here to tell Congress to do the compassionate thing and stop these arrests.

On May 10, 2005 Congress passed the REAL ID Act. This law imposes a national identification system on the American people for the first time. We are promised increased security in return. This is an illusion. The larger government becomes the less competent it becomes. And the more power it has, the more it abuses that power. To urge Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act Click here.

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United States 44223

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