features news & talk about digital visual effects technology


Creative Planet's Digital Production BuZZ


Each week Creative Planet's Digital Production BuZZ will be working to keep you in touch with trends and technologies, people and practices that you need to know to keep up to date with digital production, postproduction and evolving distribution opportunities.

We plan to inform, education and entertain you, our audience, by bringing you the people creating the cool tools and those who're using them in creative or innovative projects. We'll bring you what's happening now, the tools and techniques to make your business grow now, and where we think the industry will evolve in the future so you can take advantage of emerging opportunities.

Each show will bring you the BuZZ - what's hot and happening now without pulling punches. You can rely on Creative Planet's Digital Production BuZZ for honest and informed opinion. Each show will bring interesting guests, the Regional BuZZ from around the US and the world and your opportunity to "Pick our Brains" for technical or creative knowledge.

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Larry Jordan & Associates
Oak Park CA
United States 91377

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