
Designersoft Home page


About the site

I created this site for a few reasons. The main reason was because I found that many tutorial sites are closed and because I prefer the idea of openness, of exchanging and sharing information, I designed this site to give people the chance to share their knowledge and to talk about their different ideas, for example, on the forums.

About me

I also like to learn about programming and I would have needed a massive notebook to try and keep all the information about the different languages etc I have come across! I love to code and I love solving any PC related problem that involves coding for example, c/c++/java/php/sql/.net, these are my main interests, so if you have something that you want to have custom built - an application/website/class or if you want your company to have a Linux setup for a stable environment which saves lots of money, please feel free to email me for a chat!

What can I say, I prefer Linux OS because it is more fun, in my honest opinion, is better than Windows, the development environment aspects are better as is the server/stable environment. Well, I suppose that covers the major aspects of any OS lol.

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