CoalesceDevelopmentPlan for (December 1-15)

OurWork CoalesceDevelopmentPlan for (December 1-15) (Brandon)

What (summary)

This Task is about planning the work for December 1-15 even while we are doing the work for November 16-30.

Why this is important

We want to work on Tasks that "most" contribute to the larger Goals of AboutUs. This means that we need to plan our work, and work our plan. Before deciding to work on any Task we should answer the following questions:

  • What is the Task?
  • Why is it important? What is the business value that its completion provides? Specifically, how does it relate to higher level Projects, Goals, and Values.
  • What does it mean to be DoneDone with this Task?
  • How expensive is it going to be? How many PairDays will it take to get to DoneDone? What will its long term system impact and maintenance costs be?
  • Who is responsible for the Task during this iteration?


  • A pithy yet complete report of every DoneDone Task from the current iteration has been published and noted on DailyBuzz before the end of the iteration.
  • A call to participate in the current prioritization process has been posted in DailyBuzz at least 4 working days before the end of the iteration.
  • Every Task that is somewhere on the list of priorities has had all of the key questions answered.
  • Every person on the DevelopmentTeam understands the list and feels that every project on it is specified in enough detail.
  • Go through every project in the parking lot and see if any project should to be added to the priorities.
  • Ideally we'll have the list mature and settled down by November 7 so that the changes that come later will be minor. Then there is no need for last minute ajudication of the priorities.

Steps to get to DoneDone

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