
Cumberland Island Museum


More About the Museum

The Cumberland Island Museum was incorporated in 1985 to assure the protection and maintenance of the library, archival materials, and natural history collections of Carol Ruckdeschel and C. Robert Shoop after their lives, as well as items donated by other individuals. These materials and collections serve as resources both now and in the future for scholars, who will find most of the information and material available on Cumberland Island and much of the Southeast Coast.

Theses, doctoral dissertations, government publications and reports, maps and aerial photographs, letters and notes of biologists and collectors of the past, in addition to the specimens, provide a comprehensive basis for all types of historical and biological studies of the island.

The large specimen collection has been assembled from animals found dead on the island and nearby mainland, allowing biologists to have access to the biological history of the island and coastal plain. The collections and museum materials are available for use by qualified researchers, as is the case with other similar facilities.

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United States 80962-3156

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