
Chiang Mai Info Online


About is the most comprehensive listing of businesses and services in Chiang Mai. It is the online cousin of the print publication Chiang Mai Info, published annualy by Within Design. Our editorial policy is simple: provide the information in as conveniently an accessible way as possible.

The value of our information relies on constant checking. More importantly, though, it relies on the feedback of our users. That's why we've made it easy for you to update listings related to your business. Shortly we'll be introducing an easy-to-use feature which allows any one of our users to indicate to us when information seems incorrect or out of date.

Remember, this is your resource. If you can think of any ways in which we can make it more useful, if you spot mistakes in our information, or if you simply wish to praise or criticise our effort, please contact us. Your opinions really do matter!


Intropica Co., Ltd
Muang Chiang Mai
Thailand 50100



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