

Sample buttons of TWIKI.NET's Certified TWiki distribution, depicting universal edit icon with text "Edit": Image:TWikiNetButtons.png

Sample user comment with non-intrusive 12x12 pixel chalk icon: Image:UEB example.png
UEB example.png

Sample user comment with non-intrusive 12x12 pixel outline icon: Image:UEB example2.png
UEB example2.png

Upper right of several wiki-hives using Oddmuse

Small and big chalk on orange background writing from the left to the right are in use on the kabo-, obm-, odd and eArt-wiki-hive - example.


Note: The mirrored chalk (left to the right) deviates from suggested branding, which defeats the purpose of a universally recognizable wiki edit button.

This seems to be broken ... can anyone help fix this example? - Yes, use a state-of-the-art browser, please.

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