
Center Rail Solutions


Excerpted from the website:

Center Rail Solutions was established in 2005 by John Gardberg and several friends who provide Graphics, Data Entry and QA when not at their regular jobs or more importantly family. The site was created after John had some difficulty in getting information on the Commodore Vanderbilt (Lionel 6-18045) prior to a purchase. John decided to build a catalog with as many products from Lionel as possible providing data directly from original catalogs and first person experience. Shortly after the site was created the decision was made to include Forums, News, Product Reviews and How-To Articles and provide this free of charge to users while generating income from advertisers. The catalog had roughly 800 items when a very interested person contributed well over 20,000 items mostly from the Modern Era. As of this writing there are over 28,000 items in the database from Atlas, KLine, Lionel and MTH with plans for adding Williams trains in the the coming months. We are also adding more Lionel data from the 1950s and 1960s.
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