
Welcome to CatSu Herbal Health Products. All natural and botanical, herbal products for cats and dogs, kittens and puppies.


Our motivation to form CatSu® Herbal Health Products Inc. is really the story of the development of the Original Feline Herbal Tonic.

It began many years ago with a tiny little kitten. Put-Put was a miracle cat to begin with. He was the only kitten we were able to save out of a litter of seven born in our neighbour's garage. He was really tiny, about three inches long, and not even 2 pounds, I'm sure, when we first started to feed him, a nondescript gray and white tabby around a week old. For days we took him everywhere with us because we were so afraid he wouldn't make it and besides, we had to feed him every two hours with an eyedropper. With that constant attention he gradually gained weight and height. He was always small for a male cat, but his aggressive nature more than made up for his size.

Sadly though, Put-Put wasn't with us very long. Even now, when he has been gone so long, it is hard for me to write about him, his loss left a hollow space in my heart. He developed feline urinary tract problems when he was around three years old, with all the nasty symptoms.He couldn't seem to pass urine, and his abdomen was swollen and sore. We took him to the Veterinarian who recommended a special, low-ash diet food. We faithfully followed the Vet's orders, not feeding Put-Put his favourite foods like ham or fruit yogurt, but there was little improvement. Several months into this regimen we were desperate, and Put-Put was in such pain that we couldn't even hold and pet him . At this point we made one of the hardest decisions of our lives and sent Put-Put to God and out of his pain. We were depressed and greatly saddened at his loss, but we were also incredibly frustrated that we couldn't help our little friend.

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