Category Advertising

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What (summary)

The ability to put up CategoryAd(s) in replacement of the current context sensitive ads for all pages within a given category. Use case outline:

  • Customer purchases PromoteMe service
  • We do the work, they badge and get some customer testimonials, their page looks great and they love it
  • We identify relevant keywords or phrases and/or possibly set up a category (for example PortlandTech)
  • We pitch the idea of advertising on all pages within that category for a fixed monthly fee
  • The client accepts, we create a CategoryAd which says something like "PortlandTech is proudly sponsored by ___" with links to their wiki page and their actual site. The link to their actual site is set to NoFollow. This is important so we don't run afoul of the search engines.
  • We have a way to put up this CategoryAd on all pages within a given portal in replacement of the existing ads.
  • We can put more than one CategoryAd up on a given category
  • If a page is in multiple categories then it may also display more than one CategoryAd.

Why this is important

  • This gives us a logical followon sale after PromoteMe
  • Also, we need this right away for our paying SponsorMe clients


Steps to get to DoneDone

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