
Welcome to Canadian Literature


Canadian Literature was founded in 1959 by a group of scholars in the UBC English Department and Library, who invited George Woodcock to become Editor. Woodcock's highly personal style, his previous experience with English Magazine publication, and his international range of contacts helped ensure the journal's initial success. Woodcock attracted writers as well as scholars to Canadian Literature, and the lively seriousness with which they reflected on the subject helped foster a wider academic interest in the Canadian literary field. Woodcock asked Donald Stephens, Ronald Sutherland, and W.H. New to serve as advisory editors.

Over forty-five years, Canadian Literature has grown and evolved, reflecting the changes in Canadian society and in literary studies. Scholarship has become more specialized, eclectic, and international, and so have our contents. More of our contributors are now women, and more submissions deal with women writers. Ethnicity has become a recurrent theme in the pages of Canadian Literature. The size of the journal has increased in order to accommodate the range of research and the much larger number of books being published in and about Canada. In 1988, Canadian Literature became the first and only journal to win the Gabrielle Roy Prize for best English book-length studies in Canadian and Québec literary criticism.

The journal continues to take its primary direction from the interests of contributors and readers. Our general issues deal with a range of periods and topics while our special issues focus on more specific topics. Recent titles include:

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