is a pitch for James McCall a 2008 U.S. presidential candidate.

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James H McCall

Affiliation: Independent
Birthdate: July 31, 1943

Current Position: Position
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James H McCall for President in 2008

James H McCall is an independent candidate for president of the United States. McCall's main goal is to downsize the government in general, and make it more efficient.

When the heart, the mind and the soul give impetus to the same purpose, the opportunities for success and achievement are the greatest. There are three primary reasons that prompt me be the President of the United States, your President, in 2008:

A. NEED – I have a very strong need to express my thoughts, opinions, concepts, feelings, recommendations and proposals publicly. I need to positively influence desperately needed change in principle, meaning, style and result of government.

B. WANT – I profoundly want to define and to elaborate on deficiencies, problems, inequities, shortages, dilemmas, inaction and apathy. I want to offer ways-and-means type solutions, improvements, resolutions, advancements and opportunities to the American citizen.

C. CAN – Though it is cumbersome to be an independent candidate, due to the highly media-favored two-party system, I can run for President! I may be a candidate for President because the provision exists for me to do so. I shall however not succeed in my quest without you, the voting citizen, and your financial support (investment).

I have the ability to lead and to direct, to teach what I know and to learn what I do not know, to set a prime example, to be your highest representative with honesty and diligence, to expect and to command top performance levels of all and to instill attitudes of cohesion and accomplishment.


James H. McCall (Born July 31, 1943 in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania)

I was born healthy, not wealthy, on July 31, 1943, the eldest son of Virgil V. McCall and Luella May Heath. Virgil V. is the son of Clifford, who is the son of Elmer Allen, who is the son of Allen, who is the son of Samuel McCall and Else Davis. Sam and Else were born in the early 1770’s and settled in Butler County, Pennsylvania in 1802 along the banks of Muddy Creek. Samuel was a Scot, whose parents likely migrated via Ireland to the Colonies. Dad and Mom were born and raised in Butler County. They married in 1940 at Cumberland, Maryland. I was born just 30 days before my Dad left for Army basic training. Dad completed training and returned on leave in December 1943 to visit Mom, at which time my Brother, Denny, was created. Then, my Dad departed for North Africa to join General George Patton, whose outfit would battle the Desert Fox, German General Rommel. Dad’s Thunderbirds would move on to Sicily and to Italy. Dad returned to America in 1945, wounded and with undulant fever, to join his family, now of three.

The rich kids, whose fathers were doctors, lawyers, dentists and car dealership owners, lived in the Heights. The blue collar families lived mostly in the Valley. We were a mixed bag of Catholics and Protestants. Many of the kids were Slavish or Polish, but there were Irish, German and Italian kids too. The high school served several towns and townships, and of course there were clicks, depending on nationality, religion, previous school attended and location of dwelling. Our high school had no swimming pool, had no tennis courts, offered no golf, had no air-conditioning but did have 33-35 kids per classroom. There really were no school buses and the teachers had no union, just dedication. We said the Lord’s Prayer, and the God-word was still in the Pledge. The Jews and non-believers never made a fuss. How remarkable!

I set up duckpins and tenpins at a six lane bowling alley above the Manos Theater in Tarentum from 14 to 16 years of age before the dawning of automatic pinsetters. In the summer of 1960, I became a stock boy and cashier at the Acme Super Market (Yes, there really was one), where I worked until I graduated in May 1961. Also in that fateful summer of 1960, I met my first true sweetheart, Emily, at the Sunday night dance at the Heights Firemen’s Hall. Denny and I shared girlfriends from time to time, when the pickin’s were slim, but Emily was all mine. My relatives hated this relationship because Emily was a Catholic. I was not.

I had enrolled in the Distributive Education Program in my senior year. This enabled me to have four, hour- long subjects, history, economics and business related English and math, from 800 AM until noon. I’d lunch with Mom and work 100 PM to 900 PM at the Acme. After work and on days off, I often went to see Emily. Her Dad would pick me up, as I had no vehicle. The times were absolutely great, but soon our lives would change, especially mine. There would be no more flying of remote-control model airplanes. Denny and I would no longer hollow out the Buckeyes, fill them with salt, pack the holes with mud and throw them into the fire to watch them explode. There would be no more scaling the cliffs by rope along the river, exploring the caves for old arrowheads. We would no longer build rafts in an effort to reach the island in the middle of the river. We would no longer sleep on the porch during the thunderstorms. Denny and I fought each other nearly every day of the week about something, but when anyone picked on one of us, the other was always there to help. I would give anything, probably even my soul, to return to those days. Fortunately, we were raised with love. It saddens me that I never got close to Brent, while I lived at home, but today love still guides each member of our family. Now, I am very close to Brent too.

Personal Values

Each of us has a personal set of values. I am placing my set before you now. This is my assessment of my sense of values. Ultimately, you will be the judge and determine if my self-assessment is accurate. My values determine how I feel about you, how I feel about me and how I feel about matters between us or affecting us. These values, which we must have in common if you are to support my candidacy, will direct all that we do together.


A. FAITH – I am one-on-one with my Creator. I give thanks often for my essence. I ask all of the questions, but I do not receive direct answers. I do all of the talking. I ask for guidance, wisdom and strength but have difficulty interpreting whether I have actually received them. I maintain an open channel to consider another’s lack of faith, another’s type of faith, evolution or some combination.

B. FAMILY – Nothing enhances one’s life and lifestyle like the love and loyalty of a close family. My good fortune is to be a part of such a close family.

C. FRIENDSHIP – True friends may be few, so they simply must be cherished. Good friends add stability, wisdom and encouragement to one’s stead. To have one, you must be one.

D. TRUTH – Truth at any and all cost is the only answer, and it must be full, in context and undistorted. Every man makes a mistake now and then, but it takes an honest man to belly-up, state an admission and ponder correction.

E. PRIDE – Pride is what we must have. I have it in you, in my country and in myself. Pride is sometimes fleeting and difficult to feel, and pride should never be confused with vanity.

F. REALITY – I strive to appreciate it and to understand it. Reality is all that there is, and all of our hopes and dreams are based upon it or should be.

G. HERITAGE – It is who you and I are. It is what you and I are and why we are. I have studied my heritage thoroughly, and I hope that you will study yours, and do not forget to share your heritage with others as I do.

H. DISCIPLINE – The level of self-discipline, team or group discipline and that discipline, which we devote to a task at hand, will determine our degree of success or failure.

I. RESPECT – One must respect himself or herself and respect others and their opinions. One must respect his own property and that of others. I believe that respect leads to inquiry and that inquiry leads to understanding. By making fair, well-founded decisions and by admitting any mistake and correcting it, I sincerely hope to earn and retain your respect.

J. EMPATHY – I will always attempt to wear the shoes of the physically impaired, the mentally afflicted, the poorly educated, the victims of crime, the uninsured, the children with one or no parents, senior citizens, our veterans and all of the abused. I will never place the needs of foreigners or non-citizens ahead of our own less-fortunate citizens! Feelings for our citizens in special need are no substitute for actions in their favor.

K. OPEN-MINDEDNESS – I will always attempt to understand the opinions, theories, philosophies and suggestions of others. I may not agree, but I WILL listen. My own opinion or position on a particular subject may be altered but only if due to credible, factual data and/or argument.

L. RESPONSIBILITY – I shall be responsible for my self, my decisions and my actions and for those, who serve you under me, and I will be accountable to those, who are affected by my decisions.

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