is the home of The Age of Abundance, a book by Brink Lindsey

Title International politics, economics, and foreign policy.


Globalization: it's earlier than you think. That's the provocative message of Against the Dead Hand, which traces the rise and fall of the century-long dream of central planning and top-down control and its impact on globalization--revealing the extent to which the "dead hand" of the old collectivist dream still shapes the contours of today's world economy. Mixing historical narrative, thought-provoking arguments, and on-the-scene reporting and interviews, Brink Lindsey shows how the global economy has grown up amidst the wreckage of the old regime--detailing how that wreckage constrains the present and obscures the future. He conveys a clearer picture of globalization's current state than does the current conventional wisdom, providing a framework for anticipating the future direction of the world economy.

Praise for Against the Dead Hand:

Informed, lively, and challenging, Brink Lindsey's book illuminates the tough road ahead in the fight for free markets and against the dead hand of the past. I have benefited greatly from reading this book and so can everyone who cares about freedom.

There are few higher callings than exposing the anti-globalization movement for what it really is: an enemy not just of clear thinking but also of economic progress. Brink Lindsey rises to this task manfully. In this eloquently written and powerfully argued book, he shows that, far from being complete, the current wave of globalization has just begun. And to charges that globalization is responsible for the problems of much of the developing world, he explains that the real blame lies with years of failed experiments with big government and closed borders. Read this book if you want to understand the most important debate of our time.

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