now has a 2/2 Villa in The Villages for rent


ArrachmeNewLogo.jpg is a website devoted to the art work of Arrachme, a surreal artist and interior designer with over 20 years of professional experience. Visitors can use the Tangible Visualization Process which is merging historical quotes of spiritual masters with Arrachme's original fine art to create lasting personalized truths, promises,affirmations,and commitment as gifts for all occasions. The Tangible Visualizations is under exclusive use copyright (see below) posted since 2004. Tangible Visualization Process, are available for sale on the website.

Arrachme's Artistic Quest: Encouraging Artists To Paint

The granddaughter of an Indian spiritual teacher, Arrachme cherishes the spirituality within her family, and articulates her own spiritual experiences through her surreal paintings. "Spiritual practice and an artist's life are a natural pairing," Arrachme says. Join Arrachme as she blogs a spiritual message daily at and fan page where you can see previous spiritual quotes.

Arrachme's career as an artist began when she discovered a passion for painting while doing illustrations for her autobiographical novel. Following her heart she started painting and the paintings were selling to her satisfaction. However, her life as an artist took a steep turn when her paintings were reviewed by an established local art gallery. The reviewer was highly critical, which made Arrachme skeptical about her art work and she wondered why people were buying her art. The effects of this shock lasted for months, and she decided to get a formal visual art education. In 2006 the internationally renowned artist, Vadim Bora, volunteered to be her teacher. She learned as much as she could under his kind and loving guidance, and soon Arrachme felt that she was ready to paint again. But she struggled for months, because the flow of organic creativity and her joy of painting had left her.

The joy returned when she permitted herself to paint again without agenda, after discovering that many noted new art workshops were actually teaching the technique of freely painting from the heart - just the way she had begun painting naturally from inspiration.

Today Arrachme aims to inspire, support and encourage artists all around the world through her art, which reflects her own experiences and spirituality. See to learn the Tangible Visualization Process.

I encourage and support everyone with a desire to pick up a paint brush, to do so. Vincent Van Gogh did not begin to paint until age 30. Self taught, no one's expectation or political fashion ruled his sole or defined his heart. Some call him crazy. I call him inspiring.Arrachme

Arrachme Biography

Arrachme is a surreal artist, writer and interior designer, with over 20 years of professional experience. She is the founder of her own A.S.I.D. (Accredited Florida Interior Design Firm). Hailing from an Indian family, she developed the first Internet driven tourism business of its kind, after moving to Asheville, N.C. in 1998. Following the success of this business, she found the chance and
Woo Art Illustration
time to write an autobiographical novel, "Awakening Woo", which helped her discover a passion for painting as she illustrated its chapters. In 2006 Arrachme began training with the internationally renowned artist, Vadim Bora. During the same year, she met Peter Collins, a British song writer and musician, who strongly supports her work, and together they enjoy an artistic and spiritual life. She invented the way of combining her spiritual self with the artist resulting in the Tangible Visualization process which is another name for Arrachme Art. Join Arrachme with, where you can be one of 1,000,000 facebook artists that choose to raise consciousness globally.One artist at a time.

Arrachme's Art Galleries

ART-Acrylic- Surrealism 2004-2006


Artist Rendition of Spiritual Portraits

ART-Emotions In Oil-2007

ART-Woo Art and Book Illustrations 2004-2005

Arrachme's Art Videos

Change Art

"Inspired when witnessing Tibetan children's remarkable,peaceful acceptance of forced relocation to India. I see this kind of love in Obama's Grassroots Outreach-Change that can make a conscious difference. The I AM."

How To Make Art

'"How to make art using the tangible visualization process. Simple and Easy way to send your message to a friend. The personalizing is a free gift from Arrachme to the artist within you."

Fire of Asheville Mountains

Firey Asheville Mountain. My dramatic visit that lasted 10yrs. We stayed in cozy Asheville cabins. While hiking in Douglas Falls and The Big Ivy we saw honey bears. When horesbacking on the Biltmore Estate we met unique people. See for yourself! Courtesy of Carolina Mountain Rentals.

Arrachme's Web Presence

Tangible Visualization

The Story

New Home Painting

Arrachme often felt inspired to paint while she was writing her book. Painting fueled her writing by giving shape to ideas on the canvas, that she could then easily translate into chapters of her book. Likewise, her painting drew life and substance from what she wrote. Following this process, she completed both the book and the painting. It evolved further, and a new process emerged: combining her visual images on canvas with heart felt or historical quotes from spiritual masters which facilitated the completion of an action; Arrachme calls this process Tangible Visualization which is currently under trademark and copyright. Through this experience, Arrachme realized that she could help others by painting their dreams. She offers to assist others in the Tangible Visualization process for the people who wish to bring a lingering process, decision or event, to a positive completion. On the website you will find pre designed gifts using the process for all occasions.

The Concept

50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future

—From's 100 Positive Quotes from the movie "The Secret"

The whole idea behind this type of work stems from the belief that if you can visualize an image of the end result (In Arrachme's case that she had the perfect house and her horses were playing happily in the field) that image will come to fruition. This is the same practice that Author's such as Neville Goddard and Florence Scovell-Shinn would write about and even dates back thousands of years.

Many people have had great success with this principle and miracle's have occurred. Yet many people have trouble holding an image in their mind for long periods of time. Or they do it on a regular basis for about a week and give up or forget to keep doing the practice. This is why what Arrachme has discovered is so powerful. Her paintings are visual reminders, on a daily basis, for you to hold this image in

51. VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins

—From's 100 Positive Quotes from the movie "The Secret"

your mind as you go on through your day. If ever you forget to hold this mental picture all you have to do is glance at your Tangible Visualization and be reminded right away.

Contact Information

Phone: 828-230-6613


2221 Derringer Ave
The Villages, FL 32162


This is truly mind-expanding.
You do beautiful work, Arrachme, and I am grateful to you for sharing it.

—Frank from Tuscon

Beautiful Blue Ridge Fun
Makes Asheville and surrounding area look like a wonderful place to be. Enjoy the fun of the mountains.

—Dadgad from Asheville comments on Fire of Asheville Mountains

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