Alabama Metal Art creates unique and decorative metal wall art.

Alabama Metal Art creates unique and one-of-a-kind pieces of decorative metal art, created one at a time and designed, crafted, painted, and packaged in the USA. Our products are durable, made of top-quality metal, and powder coated for use indoors and out… but our originality and creative designs are what make us different from everyone else. If you truly want a personalized piece of art, you’ve come to the right place!


At Alabama Metal Art, you’ll find:

  • Standard wall art - selections for the kitchen, den, family room, or any room in the house
  • And much, much more.

If you can imagine it and it can be crafted from metal, we’re your source!

We have a variety of styles and sizes, a wide range of products, and a variety of colors, patinas and finishes. We’re the perfect gift, because everyone loves their own name—and we’re also a great addition to home decorating, interior design, and for every part of your home and garden. Our metal wall art is unique and personalized to you. That’s what makes us special. The fact that we are affordable is just icing on the cake!

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