
OurWork Edit-chalk-10bo12.png

What (summary)

Why this is important

Our front page gets more traffic than any other page on our website, we need to have an easy mechanism for measuring the effects of changes to the page. This ability will help us iterate our way to a page that really satisfies someone rather than a page that confuses everyone :-)


  • All visitor browsing trails that hit the front page are instrumented to record:
    1. where they came from
    2. which version of the page they saw
    3. how long they stayed on the page
    4. what action(s) they took
  • There is an easy method for generating a report that compares the number of people who took each action

Steps to get to DoneDone

There is already code in the actionreporting branch aboutus/wiki/extensions/AboutUs

  • The ABTesting code instruments click on all the links, document load, and document unload actions
  • On each of these actions the browser makes an Ajax POST request to /Special:ActionLogging with all the important information included
  • Unfortunately, many of these POST requests don't get even close to completing before the browser is on to the next page
  • We need to figure out a way to hold the browser until the request is done, or have the request go out asynchronously after the next action has finished
  • Alternatively, we could pass the action data to the next request if that request is on our site ... if it isn't, we would just lose the information from the encounter
  • Instrument typing in textboxes as well

Queries to Answer

Daily Log

  • started looking at the code, couldn't get very far, what with tens of page refreshes to see what changes made to source of a page
  • tasks for tomorrow:
    • figure out more details etc of this project

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